The certificate issued by an independent accredited certification body guarantees that the food safety management system established in the company has been assessed by an accredited certification body and satisfies the requirements of ISO 22000:2005 standard.
Food safety and health unobjectionability issues have been the focus of consumers”s attention for many years. In order to consolidate the disintegrated approach to food safety management, a standard was drawn up within the scope of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) oriented to the whole chain of entities engaged in food business, including manufacturers of feeding stuffs, primary manufacturers, manufacturers of food, carriers, wharehouses operators, suppliers, wholesalers, retailers and eating facilities.
The standard refers to the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points System principles (HACCP) and to the steps for this system implementation elaborated by the Committee of Codex Alimentarius, further developing them, while being closely related to ISO 9001.
The certification process consists of 3 basic phases:
1) Elaboration of documentation
2) Putting QMS into practice
3) Certification
The times of elaboration of documentation and putting the system into practice are individual (it usually takes several months).
If you wish to get ISO 22000 certification, please send us an enquiry.